PCHomeSoft Stop Software Installation Tool v1.1.2.1
PCHomeSoft Stop Software Installation Tool v1.1.2.1
PCHomeSoft Stop Software Installation Tool v1.1.2.1 英文正式版(軟體安裝檢查軟體)
Stop Software Installation Tool是一款軟體安裝檢查軟體,保證您的電腦不受到病毒的入侵。
'I do not approve of some of the programs or games that
my child installs on my computer. Also I can not even
control him to prevent software installation. What can I
do?'. How many times we heard this question from parents.
Without good preventative measures, children can bring a
functioning computer to its knees in a matter of minutes.
Children are a leading cause of viruses, spyware, and
adware being installed on computers. Children download
programs, play games, and tinker with computers.
Questionable programs and changes to settings can slow
down your computer or disable important functions.
Irreparable damage can be done to your operating system,
files, and settings.
Is there a way to prevent them from doing this and how
can you keep your children from destroying your computer
YES. The Stop Software Installation Tool allows you to
prevent users of your computer from installing unwanted
software with password protection. You can specify rules
according files masks to block software installers
Keep PC in order and make your life easy with this tool.
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McAfee IntruShield Sensor Software I1400 v4.1.1.79 英文正式版(McAfee 入侵檢測系統軟體)
McAfee IntruShield Sensor Software I2700 v4.1.1.21 英文正式版(McAfee 入侵檢測系統軟體軟體)
McAfee IntruShield Sensor Software I1400 v4.1.1.75 英文正式版(McAfee 入侵檢測系統軟體)